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Infotelefon 447 3301


Infotelefon 447 3301

Magnetresonatstomograafia (ENG)

What is MRI?

An MRI scanner is a device that uses magnetic fields to get layered and 3D images of the human body, which give a detailed and accurate overview of the anatomy of the studied area.

Preparation for the examination

  • Take the referral letter with you - the examination is not carried out without a referral letter.

  • Come at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the examination.

  • Before the examination empty your bladder – the examination lasts an average of 30-60 min.

  • On the day of the examination you can eat normally.

  • In the case of a head and neck region examination we ask you not to use cosmetic products because these may affect the quality of the examination.

  • Dress as comfortably as possible. Remove all accessories and leave unnecessary valuables at home.


What will happen during the course of the examination?

  • During the examination you will lie on a study table that will go into a tunnel. The tunnel is illuminated from the inside and open from both sides. It is important to remain motionless during the examination, because the quality of the examination depends on it.

  • You will be given headphones so you can listen to the radio during the examination because the device makes a loud noise. It is possible for children to listen to a fairy tale.

  • During the examination you will be monitored through a special window and with a video camera. If you begin to feel unwell, you can always give a signal by using the special emergency button.

  • If necessary for the examination you will be equipped with ECG electrodes or a pulse oximetry sensor, or a contrast agent will be injected into a vein, which will help to highlight or exclude certain signs of disease more specifically. The MRI contrast agent does not contain iodine and is well tolerated.

  • The examination lasts for about 30-60 minutes.



  • Pacemaker or medicine pump – these may deteriorate in the course of the examination.

  • Hearing aid which cannot be removed before the examination.

  • Objects in the body containing metals (metal flakes, prostheses, valves, bypasses, bone fixations, plates, screws, etc.). Please inform the study staff if you have any of these.

  • If you are pregnant or if you suspect pregnancy, notify the study staff.

  • Dental fillings and braces do not interfere with the examination but can cause distortion of the image, which may interfere with the interpretation of the image by the physician.

  • Claustrophobia or fear of enclosed space.


Results of the examination

The results will be transmitted in electronic form or on paper to your treating doctor. If you can't come to the examination at the agreed time, then please inform the Department of Radiology by phone on 447 3

Koostatud/Ajakohastatud 18.08.2021