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Infotelefon 447 3301

Kompuutertomograafia (ENG)

What is computed tomography (CT)?

A CT scan is a radiological examination method that uses ionising radiation to obtain layered and spatial images of the human body. The amount of radiation used for the examination is more than an ordinary X-ray; therefore, the examination is performed only for certain indications and not for prophylaxis.

Preparation for the examination

  • The examination will be performed only on the basis of a doctor's referral note, take it with.

  • Before the CT scan, you are asked to remove your outerwear and metal objects from the examination area. We recommend coming to the examination without jewellery and with clothes that are easy to remove and don’t contain any metal details.

  • Preparations are not needed for CT scans of the head, neck, vertebral column or thorax.

  • Before examination of the abdominal or pelvic region, do not eat for 2 to 4 hours prior. You will be given 0.5 litres of water to drink about 15 minutes before the examination. It may be necessary to drink the contrasting agent the night before and 2 hours before the examination. For this, the doctor referring you to the examination or the CT personnel will give you contrasting agent.

  • You can continue to take your everyday medicines as directed by your treating doctor.

  • Come at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the examination.

The examination procedure

  • During the examination, you will lie on an examination table that moves back and forth partially in the tunnel-like examination apparatus. Depending on the examination, you may have to hold your breath a few times during the examination. It is important that you do not move. Otherwise, the quality of the images obtained will be reduced or the examination will be unsuccessful. If you know that you may have anxiety in a tight space, please inform the doctor referring you to the examination or the CT personnel.

  • If your examination requires the injection of a contrasting agent, the radiology technician will insert a venous cannula before the examination, through which the iodine-based contrast substance is injected. The contrasting agent is a substance used to better visualise the inner structures of the body in radiological examinations.

  • A contrasting agent containing iodine can cause hypersensitivity reactions - the most common reaction is feeling of warmth, metalic taste in mouth, occasionally nausea, which will pass within a few minutes.

  • The examination lasts for 10 to 30 minutes depending on the medical problem. The examination of the arteries of the heart (coronary arteries) lasts up to 60 minutes.


After the examination

After the contrasting agent has been injected/drank, it is recommended to drink a lot of alcohol-free liquid (1.5-2 litres) on the same day and the next day to excrete the contrasting agent faster from the body.


Pregnancy (except in life-threatening situations).

Contrast enhanced examination contraindications

  • Allergy to iodine

  • Renal insufficiency

  • Kidney function values ​​that do not meet the norm

Results of the examination

The results of the examination will be sent to your treating physician in an electronic format. If you can't come to the examination at the agreed time, then please inform the Department of Radiology by phone on 447 3561

Koostatud/Ajakohastatud 18.08.2021